Sunday, April 3, 2011

glory road

Fear not: for I am with thee.
Isaiah 43:5
Rugby Prayer
-For a Warrior of God-
I stand before this battlefield
to which You alone have led me.
You planned this day before I was even born.
I see before me an enemy that is stronger, faster,
smarter, and better prepared for this battle than I.
I admit that I am afraid
of getting hurt of making mistakes.
I admit there is a part of me that wants to turn and
walk away and let someone else fight my fight.
Instead, I will do the only thing that I can do-
I cry out to You alone, Jesus.
Yours is the only name upon which I call.
Give me the strength to turn into this battle.
Give me the courage to charge boldly into this
fight despite the full knowledge of the weakness.
"For I have no power to face this vast army that is
attacking me. I do not know what to do.
But my eyes are upon You, Jesus."
I declare to all my reliance upon You only, Jesus.
I trust in the goodness of Your heart and therefore
the goodness of the outcome of this game because
I know You love me.
Yet still I must actually fight this fight.
I have to step onto the field of battle.
I have to play smart, run fast, stay focused, and hit
as hard as I can...
You have made me a powerful hitter.
My mind must be alert, my feet swift, and my
hands sure... You have given me great hands.
Jesus I need You to help me keep the eyes of my
heart focused only on You during every moment of
this great battle.
And when it is over and I walk from this field
-win or lose-
let me know that I stood back-to-back with
You alone in the fury of this great day.
In eternity that is all that will be remembered.
Jesus, let me know that I knew only Your strength.
And let it be known by all who gaze
upon this field of battle-
that the glory is Yours, and Yours alone.
My Lord, my Savior, my Redeemer,
and my Strength in battle-