Friday, January 22, 2010

the end where I begin

one thing ends, one thing begins. This life is a constant chain of successes and mistakes, joy and pain, beginnings and endings. Things have to end before something new and better can begin. We have to change and grow or we'll never learn all we can be. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes we don't want to forget the past, but looking back blinds us to possibilities. Remembering and looking back are different. We can remember all we learned or how an experience helped us, but looking back carries heavier consequences. We can't live in the past; we can't look back longingly wishing to be back at that time. Everyday is a new beginning, a new chance to learn.
"Now I'm alive
and my ghosts are gone
I've shed all the pain
I've been holding on
The cure for a heart
Is to move along, is to move along
So move along"
We all have the ability to liberate ourselves from the past, from what holds us back. All we have to do is move along and begin again. All we have to do is look forward. Look forward and find joy in the new adventures waiting for us.


Paula said...

So tell me, what new adventures are you looking ahead for? I love you!

Kayla said...

Whatever new adventures present themselves to me :] I love you too Mom!

Aquilah Hani said...

It's beautiful. I can finally see the rays of hope. Looking back does carry heavy consequences. It obstructs me from moving forward. Your post inspires me. Thank you.