We never really know what life is going to bring. We try and plan out every detail of our lives, but when it's all over do we go back and think, "my life went exactly as I planned it"? I beg to differ, we all have those visions of grandeur, the beautiful plans that will lead to eventual happiness and success, but it never happens like that. Where would the fun of life be without a little twist every once in a while? I've come to realize that we need to take life as it comes and be happy we've lived it to it's fullest. We didn't come to this earth to just be alive, to go through the motions and go step by step until we die. No we came here to live. To take life by the reins and make everyday better than the last. We can't always control our circumstances or experiences, but we can control our attitude and how we react to those difficulties which befall us. We can control how we influence others around us.
6 months ago I didn't even know what rugby was, but now life without it is incomprehensible. My college experience can't be separated from the game and I wouldn't have it any other way. My team means more to me than life itself.
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